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i had the problem in secret academy in telos when atton propose 2 cheat node, i've understand the soluce.


Now i'm on nar shadaa i've meet a men who explain me the ebon hawks was is spaceship, igive him. and after when i go noutside refugees area, the local sebulba meet red eclipse when i come back on ebon hawks i see the red eclipse i rebord in the space ship & i fight, when me live is less i go outside, i wait my vitality come back and i go again in the ebon hawks.


exactly i go in the ebon ifignt, i go out i wait when i'm ok, i go again in the ship and i kill the red eclpse boss (i hope u understand my english is bad)


finally when i kill the boss, if my friends are dead (unconcient) i have a automatic save and after a black screen. If they are ok i've a automatic save and after i need fight versus a woman jedi "visa in french version".


i go acrooss the door in the cantina with alien oxygen, i never meet goto.


Please answer with easy sentences is difficult forme.

i've the version legal and updated 1.0b french, nvidia gforce with 76,.. driver


help pliz

Now i'm on nar shadaa i've meet a men who explain me the ebon hawks was is spaceship, igive him. and after when i go noutside refugees area, the local sebulba meet red eclipse when i come back on ebon hawks i see the red eclipse i rebord in the space ship & i fight, when me live is less i go outside, i wait my vitality come back and i go again in the ebon hawks.


exactly i go in the ebon ifignt, i go out i wait when i'm ok, i go again in the ship and i kill the red eclpse boss (i hope u understand my english is bad)


finally when i kill the boss, if my friends are dead (unconcient) i have a automatic save and after a black screen.  If they are ok i've a automatic save and after i need fight versus a woman jedi "visa in french version".

This is normal. The Red Eclipse come when you go to the Ebon Hawk the first time on Nar Shaddaa. Visas comes when you go to the Ebon Hawk after you get enough lightside or darkside points. Sometimes, these two things happen at the same time. It's a bit difficult, but not a bug.


When you are fighting Visas, run and find T3. He'll help you to fight her.


i go acrooss the door in the cantina with alien oxygen, i never meet goto.

Did you get a message from T3 about meeting at the Jekk-Jekk Tarr? If not, you can't find Goto yet. The message comes later in the game.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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