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I'm current on the initial Telos level. The game runs fine but whenever it performs an "area-load" the framerate drops heaps!!???


Everytime this happens...the way to fix it for me is to press my "Windows" key and get back into windows. Then I click on the KOTOR2 tab in the windows taskbar to bring the game back. Once the game is back (fullscreen) then the frame recovers straight away??



Things I've checked:


This doesnt not happen during the "area-loads" of the Paragus level in its entirity. It has only started happening ever since reaching Telos. I can go back and start a new game and play Paragus fine.





Athlon 64 3400

1GB DC Ram

256 Radeon 800XTPE AGP

WinXP Sp2

Latest Dx & Video card drivers installed.

KOTOR2 latest patch applied.


After reading the amount of bugs people have seen so far...I'm wondering if I should just get the Xbox version?


It's not your graphics card. The Telos residential area suffers from some kind of memory leak and causes the symptoms you describe. Once you leave the area, the lag will disappear.

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