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Stuck on Nar Shaddaa

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Hello everyone,


After freeing the exile from Goto's ship, returning to Nar Shaddaa and defeating the jedi of Nar Shadda, I'm trying to transfer from the docks to the refugee landing pad.

The game loads to the refugee landing pad but after that I get stuck between two doors. Only one door can be opened, the one to the docks. The other door which should access the refugee landing pad isn't available.

When I press the start button and navigate to the map, it shows that I'm already on the refugee landing pad and I could go to the entertainment promenade. However when I leave the map, I'm stuck in the corridor and can only access the Nar Shaddaa docks.


Can someone help me on this issue? I've already completed the game as a light jedi and trying to complete the game as a dark jedi. I even restarted the complete game as a dark jedi but I can't seem to enter the refugee landing pad whatever I tried.


I play the European X-Box version of the game released in Februari 2005

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