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Bug? I only get Atton for the final part?

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I get the quest to back to dexun for the final showdown. But when I arrive at the madalorian camp, the conversation is interupted by the sith assasins.


I think there left over from before, i didn't kill them all because i had too much XP and i didn't want more.


So after that i talk to keldorn and go to the next part..


Then im atton, with the mandalorian, but all the models are invisiable, me, him, the mines, the enemies.. So i save and reload, but then im magicly transported in the heat of the battle near the tomb.... err. what??!!?

So somehow i manage to survive, go stealth and into the tomb, mean while the mandalorian gives me free xp cuz hes fighting 10000 sith soldiers and is invincible.


Same bug inside the temple, reloading starts me at the begining regardless of where i've saved, also its like inside a traped door, so i to exit, get nailed by sith lords and come back in to try again..


Eventualy i make it to the boss, but it's pretty hard as only atton and no allies.


... Whats going on? Anyone else get this?


I read a walkthru and it says i should set up 3 groups before that, but i get no option to do that.. It's just.. off we go, atton and the madalorian to our deaths.


another bug is atton's face changes sometimes, to a dark corruption face.. Just randomly it seems , like one scene hes fine, then the next hes changed... But he's alignment is neutral to the force, and my influence.. I haven't really used him or talked to him much to effect anything..


Argh i play all the way thru to get stuck here?

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