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I am having trouble even installing the game. I have run KOTOR in this same machine and runs all the latest games Rome TW, Sims 2, TIger Woods ..........


I get upto the 2nd disc and I get the following error


Unhandled Exception

Error Number 0x80040707

Description: DLL Function call crashed: ISRT._Waitondialog

Setup will now terminate


and it crashes back to the desktop


I also looked up at the installshield page



and everything seems OK in my machine


Anyone else having the same problem ?


Thanks for the help


Solved the problem by


1) Deleting Program Files\Common Files\Installshield\Engine folder


2) Used a rarely known force power to dunk the cds in water, scrub them well (with a soft cloth, ofcourse) and trying again


You know what worked like a charm. I DKDC if it is 1,2 or a combination of both that did the trick.


Anyways onto the game


Incase anyone should encounter the same error

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