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Wierd Crash

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Hey. I seem to have a crashing point that no one has mentioned yet. After the in-game cut scene on Nar Shadda where Kreia wakes up the Wookie bounty hunter, the game immeditally stops, and then crashes.


The Specs are:

P4 2.4HT

1Gb Ram

ATI 9600 pro



I have tried changing the resolution, changing the refresh rate, changing the graphics settings, reinstalling graphics drivers, disabling auto save, etc etc.


I have even tried to load it on my friends computer using a Nvida card.. and guess what!? it still crashed at the same spot. This is even more annoying being that my friend has played though the whole game and did not have this problem.


I am really really pissed off. I can't get past this point in the game. I am 30 hours in so far and I am not going to restart it at this point.


Please.. somone have a solution..



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