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General Discussion About The Game

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Well just wanted to see really what other peopler thought of the sequal i got hooked on kotor and it was great when i got past the driver problems with my ATI. It has to be said thou it ran fine on my Nvidia card but still the game shouldn't be designed for one type of chipset its a disadvantage to many pc users with ATI cards. Despite this kotor didnt have many bugs in that i noticed when i played it through. My excitement for the sequel was building and i was devistated to have to wait longer than the Americans to obtain the game. However when i did get it last friday i installed it and then started to play it everything was going well and i was really enjoying it until i left for telos where the video kept crashing and bring up the windows crash dialog it took me 3 attempts of reloading the game to get past the movie and now it continues to randomly crash, also the swoop racing is terrible iv done quite alot on Telos and want to wind swoop races to raise the 2000 credits to free the dancer as i will never surrender to the dark side. I cannot do this thou because when i took a practice run i had to forfit because i didnt know how to jump and my swoop got stuck now whenever i go to race my swoop is glued to the ceiling and i cant pick up any boosts. The game is majorly bugged come to think of it when i 1st started playing my character got stuck in a wall and i had to save and then load to get myself out of the situation. Dispite the bugs the gameplay is everything i had expect just as good as kotor and gripping i love it and could play it for hours if i didnt get so frustrated by the random crashes and little things such as the swoop racing stopping me from pursuing the path i wish to choose, because of this it makes me not wish to play it because its just not worth it if i cant mould my character the way i want him to be, but waiting for a patch is just too annoying as iv allready waited so long for the sequal to arrive! Anyway what are other peoples thoughts on the game?

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