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theres probibly a post that sheds some light on this topic but i didnt see one so here goes, i installed the game just fine made my character click the button to start the game i see the cinimatic where the ship flies by all shot up and such and then it fades out and my screen goes blank and stays that way, i hit control alt delete and it says the program is not responding. sometimes theres music sometimes theresd not. i have an dell xps and its more then capible of running this game. ive seen posted elsewhere it happening to other people but i dont see any posts here so mabe its already been fugured out but whatever the case i could really use some help. i even returned it for a new one and the glich remained in the same spot. :)

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Guest methysticuman

I had the same problem; if you're running an radeon 9600 (or any radeon I guess) try downloading the 4.11 catalyst drivers. That cleared everything up for me.

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