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I am posting in defense of K2. I know there's a whole ton of people out there muttering that the game was trash, worthless, disgusting, even. But I played the game and found it great.


For those of you who hated TSL, please read this post. You may change your opinion.


Some problems people had with TSL:


1) The storyline sucked.


2) Much of the gameplay wasn't that great.


3) It was rushed.


First of all, the storyline made sense. Here it is in a nutshell (SPOILERS, read at your own risk):






Okay, you start out in Peragus. How did you end up there? Kreia figured out your potential and put you in the Ebon Hawk. Before you were put inside the Ebon Hawk, you were in the Harbinger.


Sith forces attacked the Harbinger. Kreia quickly put you on the Ebon Hawk and left. T3 fixes the ship...blah, blah, blah. You end up on Peragus. You meet Kreia, who's working in secret as a manipulator. In Malachor V, she learnt betrayal. She will betray you but hides it well. You meet Atton, blah, blah, blah...You go inside the Harbinger which was once filled with Republic soldiers. Darth Sion, one of the Sith Lords hunting you, boarded the Harbinger during the Sith attack with his Sith assassins and massacred the Republic troops. He came in search for you, the Exile.


Kreia (I figured from the game) was working with Sion all the time. She lied to you and said that the bond between you and her is dangerous. But there is no bond. She did this so you would not kill her...not until the time came, anyway. That is why none of the Jedi Masters knew about such bonds. They were made up in her head all along.


Sion chopped Kreia's hand off and Kreia, tapping into the Force, makes you feel some pain. Kreia returns to your ship by following you. You escape Peragus, blah, blah, blah, place under house arrest....


Finally, you are in Telos. The Republic is rebuilding it so that it may recover other worlds destroyed in the Jedi Civil War. You help the Ithorians or Czerka, whichever one and meet Bao Dur...blah, blah, blah...


OK, you come to Atris. She was one of the Jedi who survived. She brought artifacts from Dantooine to the Polar Region in Telos.Her anger for you is great; enough to drag her to the Dark Side. Her contempt for you is furthered by Kreia later on in the game...


Atris lets you leave. You watch your trial (and the agonizing moments of you giving up your lightsaber.) You are now out to rescue (LS) or kill (DS) the Jedi Masters. You go to the planets in which they were missing:




Vrook also survived the Jedi Civil War. Dantooine is filled with Mercs from the war and they made a deal with the Exchange. The Exchange has placed a huge bounty on your head so everyone's clutching their weapons. You save Vrook from the mercs, blah, blah, blah... OK, you've either killed or rescued Vrook. One Jedi Master done.


Nar Shaddaa:


OK, one of the more confusing planets. After you do the immense amount of sidequests, you go onto Goto's vessel. Goto is the one responsible for placing the bounty on your head. He talks to you how the Republic is on the verge of collapse. He knows that the galaxy may fall and this may hurt him as well. That is why he wishes to support it. So Goto's up to something for his own reasons, not the general welfare of others. You fight or rescue Zes-Kai-Ell. Next planet...




Mandolore, once famous warrior Canderous, has decided to muster the Mandalorian clans in an attempt to restore the glory of the Mandalorians. Blah, blah, blah...Onderon is in civil war...blah blah blah...Master Kavar says he'll contact you later (or you have to hunt him down)...You go to your next planet...




OK, there is a cave similar to the Darth Vader cave in Empire Strikes Back. You have to fight your memories. You do this and get out after fighting Sion. Okay, Vaklu or Kavar contacts you.


Palace Siege:


You do all this...blah blah blah...Finsih up with Kavar, your former master. You just have to aid the soldiers in this part of TSL. Nothing more.


Back to Dantooine:


LS: This is where many people hated K2. The Jedi Masters feel you are a threat, because you are like Nihilus. You drain Force from those around you...they are compelled to give in to your strength. Such power is a threat. The see now that you are a wound in the Force.


OK, many people also hated the idea of a "wound in the Force." It makes sense, really. You killed too many people. All their lives lost left a gap in life. In the Force. You are that gap because you killed all those people. That gap left a damaged area in the Force, a wound.


The Council decides to sever your connection to the Force. Even if they did, they wouldn't succeed. You are a gap in the Force. All life feeds your hunger of the Force. Even if they did sever you, you'd have gained your Force back. Kreia hates the idea of the Council doing this to you, so she severs their connection to the Force. She attacks you and goes to Atris to begin her plan of betrayal...


DS: Pretty much LS w/out the Jedi Masters. Kreia attacks you and goes to Atris, pretty much the same...


Back to Telos:


Nihilus decides to show himself up at last. You finsih up Telos...


The Ravager:


Killed Nihilus.


Malachor V:


Kreia has revealed herself at last as the betrayer. I don't get why people hated this game; the story flows through easily. You go into Malachor V to confront Kreia in her Academy. The Darth Trayus Academy. You fight Sion and Kreia....blah blah blah...


Boa-Dur, Remote, GO-TO Thing:


Bao Dur instructs his faithful Remote to active a power generator that will destroy Malachor V in all its darkness. GO-TO, who was evil all along, wants to stop you but it is against his programming. The Ebon Hawk, mean while has falled into shadow. Atton manages to get it running. You escape to fight the True Sith.




OK, I admit. If there was one part I didn't get it was this. Just ignore it...Mira wasn't that great...





Pretty good game. OK, the Mira part was dumb. But I hope I have convinced those who hated this game.


If you're still hating and cursing this game, blame Lucasarts. Bioware took 3 years. Obsidian had 18 months...

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You made good points. The story was pretty good, but not as good as KOTOR1. That, I think, is the main complaint. When you go into a sequel, you expect everything to be better. That's a lot to live up to, especially with a great story like in KOTOR1. I, personally, was hoping for a big twist in KOTOR2 just like in K1. It didn't come. Then, there is the ending. That's the only part of this game that I didn't like and it sucked. A lot of other people were ok with the story, but would definitely have been won over by a good ending. I'm positive that would have changed everybody's opinion. Instead, we're only left to speculate that the pc went off into the unknown just like Revan (LS.)

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