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Increased Melee Damage

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I have read the description of this feat in the guide and have some questions.


According to the game guide, the WM class will pick this feat up and be able to do additional damage, with a melee weapon. Lightsabres are not treated as melee weapons elsewhere in the game (separate specialization progression trees for example).


Is the feat description misleading/confusing or does the feat really apply if your WM is using a melee weapon? And if it does only apply when you use a melee weapon, does that really make much sense?


From memory, some of the bonuses the WM receives are blaster deflection increases, damage reduction, the increased melee damage, access to the additional TWF feats, and access to the additional lightsabre attack bonus feats.


So, if the increase damage feat works as described, a weapon master either chooses to use a lightsabre and benefit from increased attack bonuses and blaster deflection or he takes a melee weapon and benefits from increased damage. But, the feats conflict. And that doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.


At first I thought that someone may have thought to give all the feats to a single weapon class may make the character too strong and so by splitting the feat benefits to different weapon classes you can help keep a character from being too strong while at the same time encouraging diversity. That line of thought though is undermined by the fact that the dark side counterpart to the light side weapon master receives increased damage feats that will apply to lightsabre attacks as well as the access to the feats allowing for additional lightsabre attack bonus feats. If there is concern with balancing the lightside character, why not the darkside character?


So, is the feat description inaccurate? If it is accurate, why the decision to give the increased damage only to melee weapons? I mean, weapon masters are supposed to be elite JEDI warriors aren't they? And the jedi weapon is...


Any thoughts?

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I definitely see your point b/c I had the same question myself.

I asume that b/c the feats do not show up until after you are a WPN MSTR that the game is assuming that you would be using a lightsaber at this point, which is a melee weapon although the damage it does w/o upgrades is energy not physical.


Hope this helps

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