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Something That Kinda Mad Me Mad

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What i noticed the 3rd time playing KOTOR is that all the none playable characters like a guy in a cantina said the same thing no matter who you had. For example i walk down the hall in the place in Korriban and those crack head wannabe sith start acting tough, and if i have HK47 out he says basicly we will whoop your ass, and Candorus says" get out of here kid, you don't want the trouble we have for yea", and they always replie the same way, like hey this one has a big mouth. I wanted them to act different to what my characters said. Like if i had a wimp out he would be like go away please, and they would be haha your weak. Or if i had a strong character and he said like Die Hoe, then they say something different, like what did you call me, you know stuff like that.

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