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Hi there.

I have a GOG copy of Deadfire and all its DLC's, which I have all installed using the latest offline installers GOG provides, which is `v5.0.0.0040_(29201)`.

When launching the game directly from the game's EXE (e.g. `Path\To\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII.exe`), I get as far as the Obsidian splash screen before the game quits to desktop.

The only way I've found to circumvent this issue is to have GOG Galaxy installed, and launch the game via Galaxy, which invalidates the entire purpose of the offline installers in the first place.

There are others on the GOG forums for Deadfire that are having this issue as well, with the only solution for them is use Galaxy to launch the game, which should not be needed to do!

I do not get any crash logs produced in the game's root directory, with only `output_log.txt` file being created in the `PillarsOfEternityII_Data` directory, which I've attached.

I've reported this issue on the Obisidan Discord, with no replies thus far, so I've brought this here to hopefully get Obsidian's attention.

Any help with this issue would be appreciated.


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