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I'm at Kowha where i mass murder the lower guys and the upper guys.  Problem is, after everyone is dead the mission doesn't mark that everyone is dead and Kowha just tells me to kill everyone.  I've exited the game loaded fresh,  re run the mass murder a bunch of times nothing helps.

One time I even killed everyone first BEFORE talking with him, and when i did that he won't talk to me at all.  Which i thought that bug was fixed in the last patch.??!!

What else can i do here?

In terms of order of things

First i found the captains lair and the poison just exploring around before i talked to anyone.

Second i went to A??  The lady where she things the captain wants to kill her, i talked to her first.

Third i went to talk with Kowha where i am currently stuck with this bug.

I have not talked with the third person yet.

Playing on Xbox Series X with all the patches installed that have been available to date.

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