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Whenever I turn in her bounty, saves made in Stalwart village after the turn-in automatically revert to the most recent Stalwart save made from before I turn in the bounty. That's the recoverable break.
Saves made after I turn in the bounty and on another MAP (such as Russetwood, Caed Nua, or even The Gref's Rest) break completely and beyond my knowledge to recover or repair.
Image attached.

For now I need to not turn in the bounty, but does anyone have any experience with this bug? I'd really like to get onto the next bounties in White March.
I don't even know what to call this bug for the purposes of googling fixes, and the old corrupted save fixes aren't working either.

Meztla Broken Save (Small).png

1 answer to this question

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Well I figured it out and fixed it myself. Here's how.

[h3] The Cause [/h3]
The .stringtable file that handles the conversation has a numerical error.
The file is located at:

It contains a line of code at the top that reads


The file actually contains 106 entry nodes for his dialogue.

[h3] The Fix [/h3]

1. Open the file in Notepad++.
2. Change the line to read.


3. Save and close the file.
4. Turn in the quest.

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