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I tried to send this to the contact link at the footer of the site but it gave me an error on both my phone and my computer?


In Pentiment, during the scene where we're introduced to Rachel and Benjamin, it shows a Hebrew typeset. The problem is that it's missing the third letter of the alef bet - from right to left, the first four letters should be "א ב ג ד". I have no idea what is happening with the smaller letters, which also seem to have a random order, but the lack of ג really threw me and took me right out of the narrative. Since Rachel and Benjamin clearly know both Hebrew and Yiddish, this error makes no sense.
If you could fix this, that would be appreciated. Thank you!

This obviously isn't a problem that the community can fix, but I'm not sure what to do. (Forgive the photo instead of a screenshot, it was just easier)



Sorry, can't edit my post, but also: if there are accuracy concerns, the Leningrad Codex clearly shows that ג (gimel) has a head by the 11th century (it doesn't in the Dead Sea Scrolls because the standard style of the alef bet was still developing). The gimel here in the snippet is the seventh letter from the right on the diagonal line.

leningrad codex gimel.png

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