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First, apologies if this topic already exists, I've just had this idea for a while and am wishing to express it aloud.

The current shields that exist in the game are great for what they're worth, but I think it would be great if we could have more enhancements to shields.

For one, I think the introduction of two handed shields would be interesting. Similar to crossbows, they would be Tier II and Tier III exclusive shields, that similar to certain two handed clubs, could be the only thing you could hold in your hands. This would be useful in both multiplayer and singleplayer experiences, as these shields would bolster much more defense than standard one handed shields, and in multiplayer situations where your armor/effects make you more susceptible to being targeted, this would allow for your friends or other players to lay in attacks to your current target. They would also bolster immense stun damage, when both used defensively and offensively.

Speaking of using shields offensively, the next addition would be the ability to shield bash, to hold your shield in a defensive position, and then putting all of your tiny weight into bashing said shield into your enemy. Bonus if you aim for the face. Doing such an action would cost an immense amount of stamina, even more if used with a two handed shield, but if used right, could result in the stunning of an enemy. Of course, that is if you take it down the right path.

The final addition to shields specifically, is enhanced upgrading. Whether it be through platings, whetstones, or the chance that they'll give us another upgrade resource, shields, much like weapons and armors, will be able to upgraded from unleveled to Level 9. Each Level will increase Durability, as well as slightly to the blocking strength of the shield. At Level 6, you can then choose to go down the defensive path, or the offensive path for shields. Defensive would increase blocking strength by a higher amount as well as increase it's stunning capabilities. Taking the offensive path would keep the increased blocking strength amount at the current slight amount, and trade stun capabilities in favor of stabbing damage through pieces of sharpened bits on the rim of the shield. Then at Level 8, each of these paths could be taken down their candy elemental routes, which for defensive would result in special effects for blocking or bashing, and specialized damage when blocking or bashing with the offensive route. Another optional method for this would be the ability to apply or remove special shield attachments that could be crafted and then applied to a shield in or out of a fight. In that case, upgrading shields would only increase durability and blocking strength.

Finally, aside from shield enhancement, one last defensive addition I could think of is in the case of blocking without a weapon or shield on hand. Think of a scenario where you started playing Grounded, and you or your friend accidentally hit an ant before even getting the material to make a spear. Now, you'll most likely be killed at the hands of a swarm of ants. However, with this blocking, you could raise your tiny arms in front of your body in an attempt to not take as much damage. This blocking type will allow for perfect blocking from any Tier I creatures, but not Tier II or above. The amount of damaged block will also be affected by your currently worn chest armor, and your chest piece is what will be slightly damaged if not perfect blocking. This allows for the ability to still be able to block in a tense situation where you just can't grab a weapon in time.

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