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Hey Grounded Dev Team,

I've been playing this game with my wife for about a week now. From my research, it appears that the syncing issues were worse, and you've improved them. However, there are definitely some remaining issues. I've done a bit of experimenting with some syncing issues we've noticed.

Major and Confirmed (at least when either of us host for each other on a LAN):

When either of us connects to the other, there's certain information that is left in the default state, and not synced to the current correct state.


-Water containers show 0 water no matter how much is in them until the client sees an update to it (adding or removing water). This should be synced on connect.

-Dew Drops on Dew Collectors exist, but appear to be on the ground. They cannot be interacted with by the client correctly. The client can usually interact with them by aiming at the location that the host sees them at. It seems that the collider is synced correctly, but the rest of the object isn't? Very odd.. I don't understand how that's coded. However, sometimes the client can't interact with it at all.


Minor/Not Fully Understood:

-Creatures spaz out sometimes when sitting still for the clients

-Only the host can see a Dew Drop until it's hit.

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