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Xbox Series S crashing every hour at auto-save

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Platform: Xbox Series S (digital). Yes, the console is updated (I keep it on auto-update). Console is bone stock. No mods, etc.
Grounded edition: GamePass
Grounded version: (Super Duper update)
Game mode: Single Player

Problem: Game crashes every hour at auto-save


THE GOOD: I LOVE Grounded! It quickly became my favorite game. I have spent countless hours on it! The game has something for everyone's play style from search-n-destroy to run-and-gun to simple exploration to 'Minecrafting'. Love it!

THE BAD: After an hour or so, my game will crash when it auto-saves. It won't crash any other time. For example I can manually save no problem, get into intense graphics, etc.. no lag, no problems. Only after about an hour when it auto-saves and POOF... Grounded shuts down and kicks me to home screen.

Also note: I sometime play multiplayer with 2 friends. Usually they host and it has never crashed. I sometimes host and it has NOT crashed.
I have not played multiplayer since the Duper update. I also have very fast internet so that's not the issue - or at least not on my end.


Before the latest 'Super Duper' update, the game would crash about every 3 hours like clockwork. You could almost set your watch to it. I found it more of an annoyance and sort of a unexpected perk. It more or less reminded me to take a break! But now that it's doing it every hour - I find this extremely annoying. I've resorted to manually saving every chance I get (which is also annoying).

Last night I started a log to see exactly when it was crashing and this is what I found when playing for approx. 5 hours. Note that there was NO boss fights or major graphic-intense moments. Basically I was hunting and gathering to prepare for the ORC defense challenge.

Crash 1: Played for 1 hour 15 minutes (then crashed)
Crash 2: 1 hour 10 minutes
Crash 3: 1 hour 21 minutes
Crash 4: 1 hour 35 minutes.

I am certainly no game developer, but this is more than a simple coincidence don't ya think? My Xbox never crashes with any other game I've played on it. NEVER. Grounded is the only one with this issue.

Please let me know if there's a solution that DOESN'T involve deleting and starting over? I have WAY too much time already invested in it.
If starting completely over is the only way, then unfortunately I doubt I will be investing any more of my time playing it.


Thank you,

PS: I did send an email to your tech support but I thought I'd post the issue here as I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem.
I have searched the internet for the issue but almost all of the sites I read were PC related and not Xbox.



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Bonjour l'ami. 

Je suis Xbox serie x et j'ai également le même problème que toi. 

Moi cela dur depuis 5 mois et obsidian est au courant du problème récalcitrant que nous subissons. 

Je suis l'hôte de mon monde partagé ça, je prend le monde d'un ami je plante.

Idem pour mon ami même souci.

Ci je bascule ma sauvegarde multi vers le solo pareil ça plante.

Nous perdons patience. 

J'ai bien le jeu il est au top mais sans les crash serai bien mieux .


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Hello, my friend. 

I am Xbox serie x and I also have the same problem as you. 

It’s been hard for me for five months and obsidian is aware of the recalcitrant problem we are experiencing. 

I’m the host of my world shared that, I take a friend’s world I plant.

Same for my friend same concern.

Here I switch my multi backup to solo like that crashes.

We are losing patience. 

I have the game it is on top but without the crashes will be much better

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