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Hey im just for you know there are going to be some spoilers in the post and its going to be long.

Here are the different topics:

1. Topic: Weather 

2. Topic: First new Boss

3. Topic: Second Boss



I think that many people would love that suggestion too! Different weathers. Sometimes weather can be very bad or just annoying but what if it would be good. There could be different bugs that appear while its raining or while just the sun shines. When it rains there could be worms coming out of the ground and trying to attack you and maybe you could even have one as a pet! When the sun shines there could be normal be just normal bugs in the garden.


First new boss:

The Caterpillar Worm (or what ever you wanna call it in the end)

This boss is going to be very difficult to defeat it should be a worm maybe you could find it in a wet habitat where it lives and then you must throw something in a little hole and it comes aggressively out and try to hit you whit his tail. After this fight you should be able to make a worm skin suit which protects you from the acid which fire ants shot at you.

Second new boss:

The Grasshopper 

It should live in the Grass Highlands (maybe a new Biom) where you must find your way to the top of a big grass stalk and then you must find his kids or helper which you gotta kill and then he/she appears. He/She is going to jump around and is trying to kick you away when you fall of the grass stalk hes just going to follow you. When you killed him hes going to drop some of his legs and other things and whit them you can make hacks that you hold in both hands but are still making much damag.

So this is it - the end

I hope you all like my suggestions have a great day!


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