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Hi there, I've been playing through Grounded recently and have been brainstorming ideas with some friends on some additions that could potentially be a benefit to the game and it's expansive gameplay. These inclusions are of course not in the game currently but we believe these would be extremely fun to add into the game later on in the future! The first thing we talked about was maybe an additional mutation to using Fiber Bandages. Say after like 25 uses you get a wrapped up mutation that increases the effectiveness of Fiber Bandages, then a second mutation after 50 bandage uses, and then the final mutation after 100 uses. That was what led us to more brainstorming and what we've come up with is a small list of really cool ideas. A Luck Mutation when chopping down Four Leafed Clovers in the game or a charm to increase the items found in chests from research stations and field labs and from resource deposits, some additional mobs to add in if we ever get into the house: Bed Bugs, Daddy Long Legs as a rideable mount or a neutral mob, stick bugs as a neutral mob, a wasp as a aggravated mob, worms that make tunnels into the ground, **** roaches near trash cans or in pantries/food heavy areas, frogs from the tadpoles already in the game, a Centipede boss and Millipede enemies as well, Venus Fly Traps, Fruit Fly's that you can follow to fresh or semi-rotten fruit, and maybe also a caterpillar mount that the more you ride it and feed it/ care for it that after a certain amount of time will develop a chrysalis and become a butterfly to fly around on and possibly do air combat with the wasps and mosquitoes. These are all just suggestions of course but if anyone is interested in going deeper into these ideas, feel free to comment! Thanks a bunch!

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