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depois de morrer no jogo estar equipado com arco ou besta ao recuperar a mochila meu punhal e escudo desapareceram, em outra ocasião equipado com machado ao recuperar a mochila alguns itens desapareceram (itens de artesanato) 
esse bug está fazendo os itens desaparecerem após morrer e recuperar a mochila , usei a ferramenta de recuperação de mochila para tentar não perder meus itens mesmo assim não ajudou


after dying in the game being equipped with bow or crossbow when recovering the backpack my dagger and shield disappeared, on another occasion equipped with ax when recovering the backpack some items disappeared (craft items) 
this bug is making items disappear after dying and recovering the backpack, I used the backpack recover tool to try not to lose my items even so it didn't help


Im currenly stuck at 99% of the score board because one of the BURG.L Transcription Units isnt spawning for me, the one in the broken lab section beneath the hedge lab. The chip is nr 4, "Web Samples" and the stupidest thing is that the chip is there in the MP save i created after 1.0 but not in my SP save that i have since long before. 

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