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Posted (edited)

I attached screen shots of the Spiders, not sure why they float above the water, even if only a centimeter or two above the surface, they cannot move or attack you, so it's not due to the swimming they can do. there are also other bugs (hehe) where spiders and insects will get stuck partially in the ground or other terrain and be immobilized. Not to mention the cheesy thing you can do by sitting in a leaf to kill a Wolf Spider by the tree, when they can easily jump onto it and kill you. "I also noticed you took the Koi Fish out since they had broken AI and invincibility". I hope you can finish them in time, but I don't like you took the precursor for upgrades to swimming gear out of the recipe, makes solo gameplay wasteful on resources. The gill weed should be needed to craft the diving helmet, and the diving helmet for the koi helmet. as well as the flip flops for the koi grieves. I thought that was logical. I also noticed the bio dome closed after you guys changed things, and it won't reopen, not sure what caused that.

I hope this isn't too long and it's helpful, Jimmy Casket.

Edit: The section in "quotes" was incorrect. Turns out they got under the map, as they reappeared when I used the feature to respawn all creature near their start location.




Edited by JimmyCasket
Correcting a mistake

I have also discovered that Crow Feather's are not dropping from the Crow. I made a brand new world for testing, and I never got to test Crow feathers before, but I know others had them spawn in the released version, so something changed in the test build.


Upon playing the update, I discovered crow feathers spawn now, but they do not give you feather pieces when you break them. Maybe this is a bug with the bone knife, or just the PTB in general, but something is wrong here...


I have a clip showing how i got the spider to float? I guess the Swimming Spiders just don't like coming up to breathe fresh air... also gotta point out that for some reason the Water Fleas "Can't See You/Aggro You" when you are above water period (even if you are swimming lol)


Clipped from my livestream: 

(Mature Audiences because i tend to swear a lot and dont intend to lower my swearing down lol)

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