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Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire latest version - crash while launching





I played PoE II for almost 90 hours (on Steam). After a longer brake (like 2-3 months) I decided to get familiar with the Deadfire again and finish second and third DLC. Unfortunately the launcher didn't let the game start - each time a launch it, it notifies me an error -"the game crashed". I attach the picture of it and all items from the crash folder.
I reinstalled the game but that crashes happen all the time.
It's strange as I played this game a lot on the same configuration (I didn't change any PC spec).
Would you be so kind to tell me what can I do to play my game?

Kind regards and greetings from Poland,

poe2 crash.png

crash.dmpFetching info... error.logFetching info... output_log.txtFetching info...

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