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Game Crash when attempting to travel to burial island



When I try to travel to the burial island, either by speaking to the man who is supposed to take me there, or by using the travel icon by the water, the game proceeds like I am an transit, with a loading screen, and then crashes.

I completed the game once before, and this was a rushed run-through to sort of refresh my memory before taking on Pillars 2, so it is a total cheat-save on story-mode.
I don't think I'm using any mods, but I could be wrong - if I am, I doubt they are anything but cosmetic.
I say that I don't know, because I can't honestly remember if I installed mods.

All files are in this link: Clicky. The package was too large to send. Includes all the requested files:

  1. Save game right before I travel
  2. Dxdiag
  3. output_log.txt
  4. crash log folder generated from the crash

Not really super interested in doing a lot of work to fix this, and would gladly accept a dirty work-around, such as a cheat-command to port myself to the island or something.

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