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Hello everyone,


I have tries to mod the new priest subclass in order to obtain an alternative progression table.

I would want to have Auto granted:


PL1: Touch of rot -> Chill Fog


So i created a file "x" in the "override" file with the following content:


          "$type":"Game.GameData.GenericAbilityComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
          "$type": "Game.GameData.ProgressionUnlockableComponent, Assembly-CSharp"


However, it doesn't seem to work ...


Any help ?


Thanks in advance



Autogrant is determined in the progression table for priests, not with the ability itself.


Unfortunately, you'll need to copy the entire priest progression table and then make your change (progression tables don't support single changes like this).


NocturnalTrance has been working on priests and perhaps this is a tweak he can included.

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