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[Possible bug] Sharing savegames between platforms





It seems that sharing saved games between Windows and Linux is not officially supported at the moment since these platforms use different locations for storing the files. Steam cloud sync does create the files on both ends but the game is unable to recognize these as they are not saved in the "correct" location.


However when manually moving the save game files over to the correct directory they seem to work perfectly between platforms.


Can someone shed some lights on these questions?


  1. Is there a reason why saved games are not synced/recognized between platforms? 
  2. Could we have a sync of the save games between platforms?
  3. Should I set up a script to automatically copy the updated save files into their respective platform folders? 

I'm switching between the Linux build on my desktop and the Windows build on my couch setup.


Thanks in advance for any replies.



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2 answers to this question

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Having the same issues here.
Tried symlinking the different folders in Linux with sudo ln -s ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternityII ~/.local/share/Pillars\ Of\ Eternity\ II, but it doesn't seem to get it right.

Looks like Windows savegames are synced to ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternityII and the Linux ones to ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternityII/SavedGames


Need to tinker a bit more to try and get this working unless someone else has already figured this out :bow:

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Having the same issues here.

Good to hear I'm not alone in this :)


Unfortunately it seems that no others are interested in this or are not sharing their play-through between platforms. Doubt the devs will give any attention to this :(


A workaround that I have in mind at this time could be acceptable but will need much testing.


The good thing is that Steam cloud syncs all folders between the platforms. This allows me to use rsync on the linux end to sync the savefiles over to the correct dirs.

rsync -ruvha --progress ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternityII/SavedGames/* ~/.local/share/Pillars\ of\ Eternity\ II/

This should allow us to create a startup script on the linux end which syncs the save games over tot the windows dir after the game exits.


~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Pillars\ of\ Eternity\ II/PillarsOfEternityII
rsync -ruvha --progress ~/.local/share/PillarsOfEternityII/SavedGames/* ~/.local/share/Pillars\ of\ Eternity\ II/

Unfortunately the game does not start when running the binary directly. 

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