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I was trying to edit the special item (glove)“Gatecrashers", it has 2 special effects. the original first one effect is ”slugger", which perform a knock down attack when scoring a critial hit. the basic chance is 15%, I want to change it into 100%, so I checked this effct which name is "Slugger" in statuseffects.gamedatabundle file and located the lines with description "slugger_AttackOnEvent", after I changed the "Basevalue=0.15" to 1. I launched the game and found out the item description in game was 100% which was excatly what I mean to. But when I tested it in battle, it was not triggered 100%, looks like only 15% still. Was there anything I missed or I did it totally wrong? Here is the code I edit: 2 highlighted lines was what I modified and it still doesn't work 100% to trigger the knock down effect. PLZ help me to figour it out. Many thx in advance. { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Slugger_SE_AttackOnEvent", "ID": "0ef65f14-a495-404b-b6f5-feb4c45151c0", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.StatusEffectComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "StatusEffectType": "AttackEnemyOnEvent", "OverrideDescriptionString": 97, "OverrideDescriptionStringTactical": -1, "UseStatusEffectValueAs": "None", "BaseValue": 1, (original=0,15) "DynamicValue": { "Stat": "None", "SkillDataID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ClassID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MultiplyBy": 1, "Operator": "Add" }, "KeywordsIDs": [], "DurationType": "Infinite", "Duration": 1, "MaxStackQuantity": 0, "ApplicationBehavior": "UseLongerDurationIfAlreadyApplied", "ApplicationType": "ApplyOnStart", "IntervalRateID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StackedChildrenApplyEffects": "false", "InclusionConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ApplicationPrerequisites": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, "TriggerAdjustment": { "TriggerOnEvent": "None", "TriggerOffEvent": "None", "ValidateWithAttackFilter": "false", "ParamValue": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0, "ResetTriggerOnEffectTimeout": "false", "MaxTriggerCount": 0, "IgnoreMaxTriggerCount": "false", "RemoveEffectAtMax": "false", "ChanceToTrigger": 1 }, "PowerLevelScaling": { "UseCharacterLevel": "false", "BaseLevel": 0, "LevelIncrement": 1, "MaxLevel": 0, "ValueAdjustment": 0, "DurationAdjustment": 0 }, "IsHostile": "false", "ClearOnCombatEnd": "false", "ClearOnRest": "false", "ClearOnFoodRest": "false", "ClearWhenAttacks": "false", "ClearOnDeath": "false", "HideFromCombatTooltip": "true", "HideFromCombatLog": "false", "HideFromUI": "false", "HideIfNoValue": "false", "VisualEffects": [], "MaterialReplacementID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AttackFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Range": "Melee", "ClassTypeID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Source": "Weapon", "DefendedBy": "None", "Empowered": "false", "Disengagement": "false", "Stealthed": "false", "UseStealthLinger": "false", "PowerLevel": 0, "PowerLevelOperator": "EqualTo", "ChanceToApply": 1, (original=0.15) "AttackHostility": "Default", "TargetType": "None" }, "AttackTargetFilter": { "KeywordsIDs": [], "KeywordLogic": "Or", "Race": "None", "IsKith": "false", "HealthPercentage": 0, "HealthOperator": "EqualTo", "Distance": 0, "DistanceOperator": "EqualTo", "HasDOT": "false", "IsMarked": "false", "TargetHostility": "Default" }, "ExtraValue": 0, "OverridePenetration": 0, "DamageTypeValue": "All", "KeywordValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "RaceValue": "None", "StatusEffectTypeValue": "None", "ItemValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AfflictionTypeValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "StatusEffectsValueIDs": [], "AttackValueID": "13cac597-e1c7-440b-b6fe-6ca0163dfe90", "AttackOverrideValue": "None", "EventValue": "OnScoringCriticalHit", "ClassValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "WeaponTypeValue": "None", "AttackHitType": "None", "SkillValueID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "AudioEventListID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "BedRestDaysMinimum": 0, "BedRestDaysMaximum": 0 } ] } ] }