Q: What is this production beard you speak of? What will the beard produce?
A: Basically the involved devs do some funky things with their facial hair during game production. See here.
Q: Why would they do that?
A: Because they are cool guys who aren't afraid of anything.
Q: What is the purpose of this anyway?
A: It challenges the devs into accepting it. Which in its turn challenges the backers into reaching a funding of 4 millions. IMO a really amazing feat that will help in bringing the best game possible.
Q: What does it all mean!? How does it work?
A: Obsidian will have to announce that they'll go full Production Beard mode if they reach 4 millions of KS funding (includes KS and paypal). In its turn it's up for the backers to make the project reach a 4 millions funding.
Q: Isn't 4 millions too low?
A: Maybe. But I had to pick a number.
Q: Isn't 4 millions too high?
A: Maybe. But I had to pick a number.
NB: challenge does not apply to female devs/artists. I hope nobody gets offended with this gender inequality issue, but I suspect that most will agree that bearded women are not cool.
PS: if you vote, please bump the thread if it falls behind page 3 (at least until it gets some amount of votes)