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  1. Problem description I killed lord Raedric VII and loot his unique sword Justice. I gave it to Kana (equipped in the 3rd weapon set slot, img #1). Then I left Raedric Hall and went back to GV to sell some of the equipment. At this point the Justice was missing(img #3). I didn't realize it until later when I went to Caed Nua to fight the shadows. One of the shadows blinked directly to Kana. I was like hey I should swap his weapon to Justice and punch the shadow in the face but then ha???? Kana just attacked with bare hands with. Because I keep recording the game so I quit the game and check the video and find out the Justice went missing back in GV (or between Raedric's Hall and GV) When I first equip the sword to Kana I noticed the sword was not rendered correctly in the game. It was abnormally white like in the picture(Img #2). I dont know if it has anything to do with the bug. I do have the save files before and after the problem. Unfortunately I am playing in PotD mod so I only backup the save file once a day (yeah in case my character die because of game bug), the save file before the bug is hours ago. I will put them both here. Before: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyl4ltkae705rla/01da62003d9f417ca0520c3b5c68cf8a%208586184%20RaedricsHoldSanctuary.savegame?dl=0 After: https://www.dropbox.com/s/forg9ouubr8trtr/01da62003d9f417ca0520c3b5c68cf8a%208985970%20CaedNua.savegame?dl=0 Log File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubehij27mz69255/output_log.txt?dl=0 Like I said, I have the video that can demonstrate the bug, if dev needs I can post it. This is the first time I use dropbox to share, let me know if it doesn't work. I dont know if other people have post similar bug(I dont find one. But there is a similar topic in Steam discussion) Game version: 3.01.977 with white march I&II System: Windows 7 System Spec attached DxDiag.txt
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