I am new here, but I was watching closely PE since the kickstarter campaign. I didn't back it up (burn the heretic!), but I gave a word to myself, that I will help to make this game the best it can be. How will I make it? I'm a modder, and an experienced programmer (studying computer science). Anyway, now that I said few things about myself, its time to ask some questions.
Player emotes. It was bugging me since the beggining. As some of you know, there will be some co-op, or even more complex multiplayer mods. Now, it is something that many role-players (like me) will appreciate to have. Being able to do the most important things like: sit, lay... or harder to implement, like: shaking hands. Obsidian could code it as emotes, that we could use with our party members, and later we (modders) could edit it a little, so that we could use it with other players.
Interactive environment. Now this is also a huge matter to all the role-players out there. Being able to sit on a chair in a tavern, or having the possibility to sleep in bed... and actually see it. Not a big thing.
Both things are a little work for an experienced 3D artist, but for a bunch of lame modders (people like me) this would take ages. Imagine: learning how to draw a 3D object, then importing a character into program, experimenting with it, and when you finally get something that looks like a monkey sitting on the tree, you release it, since you can't be bothered anymore.
Suma sumarum things that I ask for, are not vital to the game, but add some space for role-players. Not to mention, that it would give a massive help to all the people, that want a co-op mod.
Thank you for reading,