The ending is
I took the Pirate affiliation, went to see Yseyr and stuck a (8+ Religion) by swapping lead to that char for the talk, thereby he LENDS me the sword.
I then immediately go to the docks, get on the boat, summon Lucia Riven and swap the sword for the Fonferrus (17+ Diplomacy)
Done the boat-swap several diffo ways (killed Yseyr etc so not to break oath etc)
So - I've no longer got "The Defiant"
Fonferrus is a Galleon while the final slide clearly shows a sloop
I'd expect that if I'd gone any other faction this would be OK but as we're doing a "Pirates Of The Disney" shouldn't I be sailing away on my ghost ship in the final slide?
As the Watcher of Caed Nua and the former Herald of Berath, you return to your ship and begin the long journey home.
You hope for calm weather.