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Found 2 results

  1. I'm experiencing alot of game crashing bugs and have team members showing up on the map when their not on my team. Is there a way to fix it?
  2. laundry list of bugs I encountered in my first playthrough that weren't on the fix list and i didn't see in a cursory glance through the forum titles or common bug list. also a few balance suggestions at the end (though i'm sure some of those have already been rehashed endlessly). Items: -Gaum's Pledge (backer starting item) triggers carnage when used by a barbarian and the 2nd charge is used healing the barbarians attack target... seriously. -Cloak of Wreath of Flames says it grants Wreath of Flames, but actually does nothing. Broken ability? -Snerf's Folly (ring): Disappears when you remove a party member with it equipped from party -Necklace of Fireballs: picking up a 2nd copy removes all charges from the 1st copy the party owns (essentially destroying the item, there is no way to recharge it) -Retaliation ability: triggers when targeting ally with Amplified Wave (cipher level 6 spell), damaging your own party member even though that spell only harms foes; triggers when targeting ally with Tactical Meld (cipher level 5 spell), which is not harmful; triggers when targeting ally with Pain Block (level 4 cipher spell), even though that spell is a buff/heal! Maybe make this ability only damage foes? (may affect other spells) (found on Hiro's Mantle, Vengiatta Rugia, Sura's Supper Plate, and Fireshield spell) -Discount Merchants + Gems: gems are usually bought for only 1.5x sales price, but merchants in Hearsong Market can offer such a large discount that they can be bought for less than the sales price (infinite money). Maybe make it so buy price can never be less than sales value? -Spellbooks with customized spells lose all spells when put in stash (after save/load)... really annoying when you condense all the spells to a couple books so you can sell off the rest then find out you have none. Maps: -Blood Caves: hidden container (the giant skull) can only be seen from behind the wall it is on, but must be looted from the front. This meaans into order to loot it you need a 2nd party member standing behind te wall it is on so the looting party member can see it to open it (odd...), also it has a green circle around it (like a friendly villager) that has a name tag 'empty'. -Od Nua Level 15: 4 of the treasure spot in the Adra Dragon's hoard aren't normal containers; they disappear completely when looted and reappear whenever you re-enter level 15. (Infitine Vengiatta Rugia, Little Savior, Wendgaer, Puitente med Pricipi, ~6k coins) Spells: -Mindlance (cipher) says it has a 10m range, and looks like it has a 10m range (graphically), but only hits targets within 6m... the spell is kind of weak so making the effect match the description/graphics would be nice. -Some spells says they have a higher chance to interrupt in their description, but none of them do. (they tend to interrupt for longer, but have the same chance) (these spells tend to be rather weak, actually giving them a higher interrupt chance might be a good idea) -Devotions of the Faithful: The Ally Only part should be affected by intellect instead of only affecting allies in the smaller inner circle (base radius) -Hazards from spells (Wall of Flame, Wall of Force, Wall of Thorns, Repulsing Seal, Warding Seal, Searing Seal) receive an extra +31 Accuracy... if this is not a bug it would be listed in their description (i.e. +41 instead of +10) -Disintegrate spell description doesn't adjust damage for modifiers (namely might) even though it is properly adjusted in game. -Spells should list their tick rate in description (every second for walls and beams, every 3 seconds for heal/damage over time and persistent AoEs) (this would make it clear how they actually work, i.e. Disintegrate doesn't take 15sec to do 30 damage, but does 30damage then 30 more every 3 seconds until it ends) Not Bugs: -The constitution bonus seems like it is too low (at 3%/point). -Spell damage being based on might instead of resolve is weird. -Might affecting gun/crossbow damage is really weird. (I'm strong so my gun shoots bigger bullets???) I could see might affecting crossbow reload speed, but the source of damage for those weapons is entirely mechanical. -The price of the seal of faith ring and summoning items is too high now ($8k is probably a fair buy price on the ring, $810 was way too low, $14k is way too high) ($15000 for something that summons a level 2 druid with 3 worthless spells that dies in 2 hits? really?) -The nerf to Mind Blades (cipher level 2 spell) and Brilliant Radiance were too large. I use a level 2 cipher pick to take Soul Shock (level 1 cipher spell) over Mind Blades now, and I don't see how Brillant Radiance is ever worth spending a talent on... -Bears should be able to open doors, and dying during a scene transition shouldn't give you the default character with debug stun (from a youtube speedrun i saw) if i'm duping issues or need to provide more info, just let me know.
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