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  1. Another stretch goal down! We are happy to announce that we’ve made our $2.6M stretch goal counting both Kickstarter and PayPal backers! We have a lot of great stuff planned over the next six days. Josh is doing a lore update tomorrow along with some other BIG announcements, we are organizing an AMA over on reddit so everyone can ask Tim, Josh, Feargus and myself (Adam) a ton of questions, and we are getting our crazy ideas put together for the live stream of the last hours of the campaign next Tuesday. Along with this update, we wanted to get some housekeeping out of the way. First off, we get asked a lot about what is in each of our reward tiers. You can find the full list farther down in this update. We are going to keep this list constantly updated, so if you ever need to refer to it, just come back to this update. We are also working on our main Kickstarter page to keep things organized and have a new stretch goal image that combines all the stretch goals that have been added. The Chanter and Paladin classes are up next at $2.7M, and the talented George Ziets will be joining the team if we hit $2.8m! With each stretch goal hit not only are we adding a new feature, we are also making the entire game larger. The additional money raised lets us add designers, artists, animators, and programmers to help build this incredible new world we are creating. This means adding more reactive quests, choice and consequence opportunities, a varied bestiary, memorable characters, adventure areas, and combat abilities. New Add-On Due to popular demand and for a limited time, we are offering the ability to add our first expansion pack, due out approximately six months after Project Eternity ships. Any money contributed to add-on the expansion now will be used to make the main game larger. The expansion budget is not being created by money from this Kickstarter. Digital Download of Expansion Pack + $20 (included in tiers $165 and above) We will be sweetening the $165 reward tier with something extra in the upcoming days as well. Add-Ons If you are at the $20 Pledge level or higher, you can add the following items to your reward tier. Check out Update #4 on more information on how to Add-On rewards. Digital Add-Ons (Any Tier $20 and Above) Digital Download of Expansion Pack + $20 (included in tiers $165 and above) Digital Strategy Guide + $7 (included in tiers $80 and above) Early Access Beta Key +$25 (included in tiers $110 and above) Extra Digital Download of the Game +$25 (requires a minimum $20/$25 tier contribution) Extra Three Digital Downloads of the Game +$60 (requires a minimum $20/$25 tier contribution) Physical Add-Ons (Physical Tiers Only, $65, $100, $140, $250 and above) Project Eternity Mouse Pad +$15 (included in physical tiers $140 and above) Black Project Eternity T-Shirt +$25 (included in physical tiers $100 and above) Black Obsidian T-Shirt +$25 For t-shirt add-ons, we will ask for your size at the end of the Kickstarter campaign in a survey sent to you in e-mail. Reward Tiers $5 Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $25 ($20 Early Bird Special) - Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $35 Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $50 Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $65 (Physical Tier, Please add $15 for international shipping outside of the US) Box Version of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $80 (Digital Tier) Digital Strategy Guide. 2nd Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Forum Badge. $100 (Physical Tier, Please add $20 for international shipping outside of the US) Project Eternity T-Shirt. Special Thanks in-game credits. Thank you postcard from the development team. VIP Forum Badge. Digital Strategy Guide. Box Version of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $110 (Digital Tier) Early Access Beta Key. Special Thanks in-game credits. Thank you postcard from the development team. VIP Forum Badge. Digital Strategy Guide. 2nd Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $140 (Physical Tier, Please add $20 for international shipping outside of the US) Collector's Box Version of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Special Thanks in-game credits. Thank you postcard from the development team. VIP Forum Badge. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $165 (Digital Tier) Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Early Access Beta Key. Special Thanks in-game credits. Thank you postcard from the development team. VIP Forum Badge. Digital Strategy Guide. 2nd Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $250 (Physical Tier, Please add $30 for international shipping outside of the US) Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Special Thanks in-game credits. Thank you postcard from the development team. VIP Forum Badge. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $500 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $1000 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Name and Design an NPC in-game. 5 Extra Digital Downloadable Copies of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $1000 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Help Design an Epic High Level Weapon, Armor, or Artifact. 5 Extra Digital Downloadable Copies of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $3000 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Custom portrait painted by an Obsidian artist to be included in Project Eternity. Art print of your portrait signed by the artist. 5 Extra Digital Downloadable Copies of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $5000 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Name and design an enemy adventuring company. 15 Extra Digital Downloadable Copies of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Watcher Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item. $10000 (Physical Tier, Shipping is included in pledge) Invite to the Project Eternity Launch Party. Play a game with Tim Cain, Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer, and Feargus Urquhart. Name and Design an NPC in-game. Help Design an Epic High Level Weapon, Armor, or Artifact. Custom portrait painted by an Obsidian artist to be included in Project Eternity. Art print of your portrait signed by the artist. 10 Extra Digital Downloadable Copies of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Watcher Pledge VIP Forum Badge. Your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in-game. Full Color Printed Hardcover Project Eternity Collector's Book signed by the development team. Gold Pledge Special Thanks in-game credits. Collector's Box Version signed by Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, and the rest of the Project Eternity team. The game copy is DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux, with DVD and printed manual. Elite Version of the Project Eternity Kickstarter Backer Cloth Patch. Project Eternity's First Expansion. Digital Downloadable copy of Wasteland 2 DRM Free. Cloth Map of the World. Project Eternity Mouse Pad. Early Access Beta Key. Project Eternity T-Shirt. Thank you postcard from the development team. Digital Strategy Guide. Digital Novella by Chris Avellone. Kickstarter Exclusive In-Game Pet. Digital High-Res Game Map. Digital High-Res Concept Art Pieces. Wallpapers for Multiple Monitors. Project Eternity Themed Ringtones. Digital Downloadable Soundtrack in MP3 and FLAC. Digital Collector's Book. Digital Downloadable Copy of Project Eternity, DRM free for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Kickstarter only in-game achievement and item.
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