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Found 3 results

  1. My crew morale score keeps dropping no matter what kind of food or drink supplies I add to the ship inventory. Is there something I need to do besides add it to the inventory?
  2. Crew morale just drops, even though I add plus morale items like porridge to the ship inventory. Am I missing something about how to raise crew morale, or is this a bug?
  3. I'm trying to force myself through Baldur's Gate 1 and one thing that is very apparent is that you can't practically run from fights. Short of travel via the world map, I can't actually get enemies to break combat and stop chasing me (which is actually a problem in an annoyingly high number of games now that I think about it), even with half the map between the characters. As Baldur's Gate has really random enemy placement in wilderness areas (like a pair of dire wolves directly along the road as soon as you exit the tutorial area, or how Peldvale has a group of Black Talon Elite in a random spot that will instantly kill low level characters who arrived from the Friendly Arm while most of the area is low level animals), all of whom instantly start attacking as soon as they are visible, something that gets annoying VERY quickly (as the only effective "counter" is save and reload abuse). Another related thing is that enemies in BG had no concept of morale. You can kill half a pack of dogs (literal and metaphorical) and its alpha in a round and the rest will still charge at the guy in full plate with a rusty dagger. Some special abilities would "force" enemies to flee (turn undead, cause fear), but that doesn't really count. 1: Will running from fights be possible in PoE? 2: What kind of "rules" for enemy placement do wilderness areas obey? Are the areas largely around a single power level in each area? Does it use a system like Gothic where the roads are mostly safe (some common animals with low aggression the player can simply run past if really needed), but danger increases the further you stray? Is it like Baldur's Gate and thus completely and totally random? 3: Is it possible to see fights before they start attacking? I know prebuffing is out, and interaction with that is the main problem it would pose. 4: Can enemies lose morale short of effects that specifficly cause it?
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