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Found 2 results

  1. After a fight in the Woedica temple when either my main was hit with confusion, or eder was charmed I got hit in battle by gaun's share. But the effect is still displayed on my character portrait. I tried to hit myself again, but once the timer ends it's still there. I also seem to unbind my hotkeys each time I try to use a bound skill using the mouse.
  2. Summary: I believe that the prefab for the 'draining' weapon mod is no longer in the game files, thus removing it from all applicable weapons. Such as Gaun's Share. Output_log is attached. Savegame has been uploaded to a google drive (Zipping it did not noticeably reduce it's size) Most relevant looking part of Output_log: I have browsed & searched all of my F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity and see no draining.unity3d file. 1) Draining Effect not listed on Gaun's Share Weapon Steps to Reproduce (STR): Load game file in which you have acquired Gaun's Share Find character currently wielding Gaun's Share In my case Eder was wielding it already as his primary weapon. He was dual wielding it with Ilfan Byrngar's Solace Right click Gaun's Share Expected Result (ER): Display Guan's Share's stats pop-up. In pop-up, weapon should have 2 special abilities (in addition to the 'fine' attribute)"+30% of Grazes converted to Hits" "20% of Damage restored as Endurance" Actual Results (AR): Display Guan's Share's stats pop-up. In pop-up, only 1 special ability (in addition to 'fine' attribute) is displayed"+30% of Grazes converted to Hits" Screenshot 1: 2) Guan's Share does not give endurance to wielder when damage is dealt Steps to Reproduce (STR): Load game file in which you have acquired Gaun's Share Find character currently wielding Gaun's Share In my case Eder was wielding it already as his primary weapon. He was dual wielding it with Ilfan Byrngar's Solace Have character take damage in combat (so they are not at full endurance). Have character deal damage with Guan's Share as primary weapon Expected Result (ER): Character should gain endurance equal to 20% of the damage they dealt Combat log should show Guan's Share giving character health (directly after showing damage dealt by character) Actual Results (AR): Character does not gain endurance Combat log does not display any reference to character gaining endurance. Screenshot 2: Screenshot 3 (with hover info from combat log): Edit: Attached my DxDiag.txt output_log.txt DxDiag.txt
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