Date 7 Majauton 2823 Hour 1 nothing new to report
Turn 80: Liminal Spaces added. The quest expires in 1 day
(Grieving Mother was sent on this quest)
Date 15 Majauton 2823: Hour 3 Azzuro has arrived offering to sell Husk of the Great Western Stag for 3200 cp
(This was purchased remotely)
Turn 84: Nothing new to report
(About then, I returned to Stronghold did a bit of selling and empted Treasury Box including the Husk of GW Stag)
Turn 85: Taxes Collected
Turn 85: Liminal Spaces completed. G Mother returns with Etherial Helm, money, items etc
When I next returned - The major item in the Treasury Box was another copy of The Husk - so I now have 2 identical unique items plus the Etherial Helm