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Derek K'rail

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Posts posted by Derek K'rail

  1. Mmmm I would like to see a city planet, but with a darker atmosphere than coruscant or taris, something like in the blade runner movie, or the dark city movie.


    Or maybe a planet with properties similar to silent hill... a place where the character worst nightmares become true, something like that.


    But i doubt we would see it, in general, star wars has more of a 'fantasy with lightsabers' mood, anyway.

  2. Hanharr pros: +2 Str, +1 Wis, +1 Con. You only have to talk to him to gain influence.

    Hanharr cons: No cutscenes/interactions with other characters (others than Kreia in Nar Shadda).


    Mira pros: May become a jedi (do you really need another one??)

    Mira cons: Only a cutscene with Handmaiden (well, a funny one, anyway).


    And personally, I prefer Hanharr personality, anyway.


    And I, too, used to hate wookies, until I talked to Hanharr.

  3. 1) What's the maximum level you can upgrade your personal crystal? Is there a limit?


    2) How can you trigger the fight between the Handmaiden and Visas?


    3) How can you find the hidden cache in the Ebon Hawk? Is it possible?


    4) Does make any difference in the outcome the options you choose in Visas conversation after visiting the Dantooine academy and inmeditely before going to Telos?.


    5) Is there some way to put mandalore's helm out?


    6) I have been looking into the .dlg file of the Nihilus conversation and it looks like you can betray Visas and let her killed, or even fight her if she betrays you

  4. Thanks Nihilus, I know of joining the mercs and Vrook... anyway, from a roleplaying perspective, i like to let my chracter get slowly into the dark side, so being Dantooine the first planet i visit, i still helped Khoonda, but for me Onderon was the third one (being korriban the last...), because of all your companions, Mandalore is the one who has less things to tell you. He even doesn't take his helmet out.

    In Nar Shadda it does not matter, i helped the exchange and i didn't have to kill Zak'Zei'El (and I prefer Hanharr to Mira, anyway, I could not loose that +2 Strenght, +1 Wisdom and +1 Constitution).

    Well I'm seriously thinking about modding this and add some lines to the Kavar conversation in the Royal Palace Final Battle, but messing with the variables in the game... well there is not so much info.

    The reason i'm asking this is that the final conversation with the jedi masters is quite clarifying about why did the exile cut his connection with the force, and without this info, some things of the rest of the game lack sense.

    Back to Holowan labs, i guess.

  5. Hi, i have played Kotor 2 twice, in my first run, i killed all the jedi masters, and on the second i tried to let them live (and still get the dark side ending) the question is... can i complete all the 'help Vaklu' quests and still be able to go to Dantooine and talk to the three jedi masters? maybe when tobin comes to offer his help in the cantina after meeting Kavar the first time do i have to say that i will join queen Talia anyway? has someone found a way?


    (Or at least, do someone knows EXACTLY which variables do i have to edit with the KSE, or with Kotor Tool, to get the three masters in Dantooine??)





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