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Everything posted by DrLudicrous

  1. Um, no. Games don't work not b/c people's computer's are crap, but because the game is crap. Most PC gamers are serious about their computers, and I would imagine have pretty recent equipment. I have a gig of RAM, a 2500+ AthlonXP, and a Radeon 9700 Pro video card. The recommendations are: P4 or AthlonXP 1.6 GHz or higher 512 MB RAM Radeon 9200 GeForce 4 TI Seeing as how my system exceeds those requirements, how come I have problems? Why am I getting framerate stutter at random points in the game? Is it my hardware? Perhaps, but most certainly not because my hardware is incapable of running the game. No, it's because the game is buggy and doesn't execute correctly that I have these problems. And who on this forum is running Win95? I would bet that most people on this forum have a system pretty close to what I have, running Win2K or WinXP.
  2. I am off the space station and onto the surface of Telos, but T3M4 is gone, and the quest to get him back has disappeared (I had strange journal behavior, see my other post). Please tell me that I do NOT have to start over again because of stupid scripting errors.
  3. Has anyone else had the following problem? On the Telos space station I complete actions that say they have updated my journal, yet my journal remains unchanged, to the point that I am not sure where to go. Any ideas?
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