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Everything posted by Gandark

  1. same thing happened to me recently before installing kotor and immediatley after installing cat 5.1 drivers. I wouldnt rule out the drivers causing this. ATI from 3.10 onwards have been doing some funky **** to theyre drivers causing reboots, card overheating and even causing some cards to die.
  2. I have no need to visit bioware ATM. Things must have changed then because when I was a regular there people were complaining about the exact same things. NO official responses, you were actually lucky to get a reply at all!
  3. Can someone please explain how to play this game in any other refresh rate than 85Hz? I want to play at 1024x768 @100Hz but the screen is out of proportion and blackduring cutscenes and the opening. Also can I use 800x600 @120Hz? I have tried editing the swconfig.ini but I get the problems mentioned above.
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