Maybe i'm not explaining this properly... The battle was hopeless. No chance of winning, not in theory, or even statisically. The droid was dead in .3 seconds whihc is less time then a shield even takes to activate. Hypothetically, if the droid had divine favor and had time to get the shield on, 3 hits per round would still hurt him and you'd be doing nothing but telling the shield to turn on over and over until death.
No hope of that, not even a statistical hope.
Thinking back, its always been like this, I literally dread any situtation were I can't use my main character.
T3 on the asteroid were you have to open the latch: Another perfect example of the impossible... Your forced to have him fight like 20 of the mining droids in sets of 2 usually, a single one of them was like 10 of him put together. My only hope of survival was hoping 1 would ignore the other 1 fighting while I pounded it like 20 times with the shock arm and praying it didn't fire back, cuz 1 or 2 hits was the end of T3.
Gosh, this is strange. I'm not even sure we're playing the same game! Please don't think I'm insulting your intelligence, but you are levelling them up and giving them equipment, right? My memories of Peragus involved T3 using the shocker maybe two times on each droid, and finishing them off with a blaster if that wasn't enough.
You're absolutely sure it was on easy?
I'm dead sure this is on easy. I think there some kinda bug vastly multipling the enemies power.