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Posts posted by jasstrachan

  1. It will run, yes, but not sure on what kind of frame rates you can get - might have to turn the detail down a fair bit. (Don't have the game yet myself so not sure what options are available). Closest I can find is that someone on the Steam forums reported it was fine with the previous generation version of your integrated graphics, so it'll be playable.




    It will run, yes, but not sure on what kind of frame rates you can get - might have to turn the detail down a fair bit. (Don't have the game yet myself so not sure what options are available). Closest I can find is that someone on the Steam forums reported it was fine with the previous generation version of your integrated graphics, so it'll be playable.

    The game is very well optimized. I think it should run well.


    There are no graphical options, but its not a problem due to the very specific style.


    Thanks a lot for the replies. Going to purchase now!

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