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Everything posted by TigrisJK

  1. No, I didn't. Everyone was dark-sided, like they were supposed to be. Actually, I was quite boucy about the way Handmaiden had turned so easily, and... Well, I'll not get into it, to avoid spoilers. Suffice to say that I'm only getting this issue with light-side. Dark-sided characters do fine. And this started on Peragus. Only character it isn't affecting is T3, pretty much.
  2. Same issue here. I beat it darkside, now as a light-sider I'm seeing really annoying switches in my characters. It's kind of annoying, since I've already sat through my NPCs looking like they've got mercury running through their veins, now I want them to be nice and pretty and light-sided, but it's not working out. As far as choices go, in case it's that, since no one else seems to be reporting it much: Revan is female, light-side. I am going after light-side mastery.
  3. Fixed... sorta. Using 5.2 Catalyst drivers, I still get the occasional crash, and the entirety of the outdoor sequences on Dantooine are hellishly slow, but that can be reset by changing something in the advanced graphics options (like AA) every time it gets slow. A pain in the bum... but it's worth it. Now, another bug that's been bugging me is that my NPCs keep switching from lightside (I beat it darkside with no problems except occasional loading screen crashes and the problems on Dantooine) to lightside whenever and whereever I go. That, I highly doubt can be blamed on the ATI drivers. =D
  4. The Omega drivers based on ATI 5.1 do not work. I really, really would appreciate a patch for this myself. I'm sure I speak for many users when I say that I'm not downgrading a driver merely because one of my games doesn't work for it, when I have seen dramatic improvement through this driver in many of my games. (I've gotten at least a 10-20 fps boost in HL2). Quite a shame. I will, however, try the official ATI 5.2s. Cheers.
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