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Posts posted by skycruiser

  1. Well I was sick of slow, laggy play on GL games anyway so I, a loyal ATI fan for years, jumped to NVIDIA and the 6800 GT (Unfortunately not the BFG OC but 'cool bits' handled that just fine). Well needless to say all the settings are back on high and gaming is going good. I only had to spend almost 500 bucks to play the game so my hat is off to ADMIN Jay and all his lackey's in the software business to a job well done! Release a crappy, incomplete game that will play on one card thus forcing a purchase. Kudos to the marketing folks at NVIDIA, Lucas, and Obsidian ... Very masterfully played (well on your end at least.)

    .. But hey I still got my trusty 9800 PRO in case I run into a game the 6800 GT will not push, might even go and buy a new power supply and duel boot them... That way I can pick and choose my adapter based on the game .. But I am sure that good ol

  2. Don't live under the illusion that the ATI compatibility problems are just a fluke that the tech folks are desperately trying to track down. The folks at Lucas Arts as well as Obsidian knew good and well there was a major ATI issue. You see its all about money, that is money they are NOT getting by holding the release of this game until the ATI issue was resolved. So the game goes gold and is shipped out for the unsuspecting ATI user to buy for +50 bucks, load and then find out the game cannot be played. Well it is the consumer that is being played here folks, first it was Bio Ware now Obsidian (as I recall Value Jet changed their name to Air Tran, same product)regardless of the name they still released a 90% game as 100%. You know the first thing I do when I install a new game is go look for a patch and amazingly enough there are a very few, elite, game makers that still never have to issue patches for their games. Regardless it is moot point since I, just as the rest of your ATI customers, were duped once again into buying an incomplete release and basically ripped off. Imagine if you went to your favorite electronics store and bought a DVD player only to find out when you get it home it will not play DVDs. So you take it back and are told since you opened it your S.O.L., "but wait" the clerk says, "there will be a firmware patch that you can flash he machine with in a few months that will make it work". I ask all, would you be satisfied with that, because as consumers of gaming software it is, well ok...

  3. Seems the Administrator Jay over at Lucas Arts is asking people to get more specific with there driver issue:

    Quote Source

    LucasArts Jay (administrator)

    Total Posts: 573

    Member Since: 06/01 Date Posted: Feb 10, 2005 02:58 PM


    We need to have more information to try and figure this out guys.

    What driver version are you using for your video cards?



    I posted the same issue there as here and it drifted off into obscurity still remaining unanswered. I am willing to bet the reason that is because they new there was a MAJOR flaw concerning the use of ATI cards but opted to release the game and let the ATI users suck it up until someone can build a fix. Video Games are a buyer beware market since one you buy it you can't return it. The irony here is that the first KOTOR I used an Nivida based card with no issues but later decided to "upgrade' to the 9800 PRO. Will be interesting to see what kind of answer ,if any, Administrator Jay will give to my question.

    RE: To LucasArts Jay (administrator)

  4. Both instances so far have been with T3 only on Peragus. The first time it happened was at the bottom of the same area where the hanger is (down after an area transition - where you pick up the explosives from the guy's corpse in a small sub-area). When I first entered this area, I found I suddenly could not use the WASD keys any longer, but I COULD (for some strange reason) use the Z key to go sideways and if I clicked on the various items I both moved to battle and moved to loot. I also noted a distinct decrease in framerate in this small room, so I thought perhaps it was some video problem (though everything else is up to par, my processor is a bottleneck at the minimum 1 Ghz). Therefore, I tried turning various graphic items down. It looked sucky, but didn't help the problem so I turned them back up. In this instance, in order to leave the area I turned the camera apropriately and scooted back out. Once back in the hangar area, the game returned to acting normally and I was able to navigate without a problem


    Same issue here in the same area. I enter the lower hanger decks and the game slows to a crawl and/or freezes. The movement keys lock up as well but am able to still pan the camera with eh mouse and keyboard. You think, after the bugs in the first game, Obsidian would have learned from Bio Ware and released a working game.

  5. I originally started the game at 1280x1024/60 RR/High Texture/Shadows-on/Grass-on/Anti-Aliasing 4/Anisotropy-off/Frame Buffer-on/Soft Shadows-on/Vsync-off and it playing the first level of the game without issue until I get to the Hanger Bay sub-level. Upon entering the level you can see the frame rate drop and the T3 will move very slowly about halfway down the hall and then a complete freeze up (with all the sounds still playing). I restarted the game at 800x600/60 RR/Low Texture pack and all the advanced options above off with the same effect on the same level. I am using the latest version of ATI drivers (5.2) and I did try and the Catalyst V 4.11 with the same effect (I had also tried Omegas drivers and that didn't help either). Needless to say after lots of time spent downloading and re-booting I am in the same boat as when I started with an unplayable game. Anybody have the same issue, any input is appreciated in advance.


    Operating System: Windows XP Professional (SP2)

    DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c

    Processor: Intel

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