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Everything posted by xXWAKEXx

  1. its a huge door that says "portcullis" when you approach it....but its locked and it seems thats the only place left for me to go....
  2. yeah I went through with the exile first, but I guess I missed these guys....and Ive activated the three generators on the surface, but the depths are a mystery...it seems that I need to head toward the beast pen but cant get through the portcullis
  3. I had some difficulties opening this thread, Im just testing to make sure it can receive replies, lol
  4. Im in the depths of malachor playing as bao-durs remote, and I found the one buried republic ship, and it told me I needed to activate three others prior to that one. the problem is, Ive explored every bit of the depths that I have access to(while being hounded by storm beasts which I cannot defend myself against), but there is a huge portcullis blocking my way from proceeding to the storm beast pen. I seem to have exhausted any ideas I may have had regarding this impasse, if someone could lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated....
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