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About Lazyimperial

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. ah, well if I have to get info from Kreia before I can train the handmaiden I'm afraid it will still not happen for me this game. Kreia hates me badly and I have no influence, so that option is pretty much out. I just couldn't keep my light side mouth shut. hehe. Nice to know though. thanks.
  2. Hi ya all. I don't mean to complain, but I've been having a really obnoxious problem with this game. Specifically with the loading screen. The very first loading screen I had froze on me when the bar was about 1/3 of the way blue. I waited, and waited for about 8 minutes. nothing. After five restarts it loaded and I got to play. This was a sign of things to come for, as since then I've had this problem repeatedly over and over and over. It even freezes on the "Obsidian Entertainment" screen before I get to the main menu sometimes. I was wondering if any of you have had this problem. It could be my xbox I suppose since it is a couple years old, but I've played many other games on it all the time and I've never had this problem on them. It is so driving me insane. I love kotor 2, and despite the constant freezing I still keep trying to play... but I don't think I'm ever going to replay this game when I finally beat it. And that is a shame, because I really would like to try and do some of the stuff I missed or messed up. Like training the handmaiden. The worst is when you have one of those obnoxious blocks of cut scenes when you enter the Ebon Hawk (especially if you stay off her for too long a period of time). there is the loading screen for entering the ship, the loading screen for the cutscene, the loading screen for the next cutscene, and then the loading screen for the ship again. If any one of these mess up you need to restart the game and go through all of it again. I love to know that Atris is upset with me and some of my characters don't get along, but I don't like to see it over and over. Is there anything I can do to fix this? edit addition: oh, and the best part about this problem of mine is how desperate it makes me realize I am for entertainment. I tried for thirty minutes to get it to finish loading in the worst case of this. I had to play though. hehe. This game is too fun to resist.
  3. From what I've read, you can only really influence him by letting him see you do good deeds. So, he needs to be in your party a lot. There is a guide on gamespot that talks about it. Not many conversation options (and eventually no conversation options at all other then "never mind" ) that can make him want a laser blade. Never tried to train him myself. I kept Handmaiden in my team so she would see how great I was and want to train, and then... lol. edit: ugh, too many smiles. I need to sleep.
  4. well shoot. I knew I'd mess up something and have to play the game another time for a legitimate reason. oh well.
  5. I'm hoping that I haven't messed up here, but I'm not sure. Can you train more then one character into jedihood? I'm just curious because I made Atton a jedi after his creepy "I eat jedi for lunch" speech, if only because I was afraid that if I didn't he'd kill me. However, my dream had been to make the handmaiden a jedi as well. I beat her in all three fights, and then I finally got her to agree to be my student... but she wanted to take some time to think about it. I said "you made the right decision. you'll see" and have never gotten the option to train her since then. It is so frustrating. Did I make a wrong decision at the end of the conversation, or was my wrong decision getting scared by wee Atton when he started inching towards me growling?
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