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Posts posted by Eagle

  1. Health packs are a waste of cash. So are grenades and mines. There are one or two really good pieces of equipment from certain people, the station on yavin, the premium item shop on korriban and get the Yusani's Brand from the shop in front of the Ebon Hawk on Tatooine. If you win the swoop race on tatooine and sell it at Yavin you get 154 per bond, rather than 60 if you sell it anywhere else. You will get RICH.


    You get enough health packs, repair packs and MORE than enough grenades, mines, computer spikes and repair parts throughout the game, you dont need to buy any more.

  2. The NPC doubles were damn annoying, the fact that they used about 3 models over and over even though there were FAR more than 3 models for the PCs was kind of weird.


    Customisable character models would be cool, but i didn't mind the ones bioware did actually. They were fine i thought.

  3. From the films there weren't exactly many dark Jedi to turn back...so half of them being returned to the lightside isn't bad.


    If we are talking the EU, an absolutely ENORMOUS amount were redeemed.


    I liked the way Jedi Knight 1 did it. All the choices you made up to that point made the decision for you. If you were slightly more DS than LS then you went DS...etc. But in an rpg, that isn't as good.

  4. Caelib, something i found really daft about Jolee's character. All his actions were far more lightside orientated than darkside, so the ONLY reason he was neutral was because he disagreed with the Jedi council...


    Who i'd like to see and who i think i should see are two different things. I would love to have Bastila in the game, but i don't think she should be. Same with Carth, there are too many things between Revan in the original and those characters that shouldn't be done again. So they should only be cameos, not major parts. Also the different endings can change what happened to them too much, they would have to do totally different bits for a DS Bastila or a LS Bastila. (Only LS Bastila should be done though, DS Bastila is crap :p )


    HK-47 is Revan's droid, so i don't think the combat droid should be HK, maybe something very similar though.


    T3-M4 is definitely in and i hope T3 actually has something to do in this game, as the droid was useless in the original except for ONE door.

  5. It would be damn funny if it turned out she was the same person and that was the major plot twist and you realised it 7 months before the game was finished. I bloody hope it isn't, that's for sure, i don't want the story spoiled like i did in the first game :(


    Hopefully she isn't, as that IS a bit over used, the good guy + bad guy are same person.


    And she does look too pure to be the bad guy. Just like in the advertisements for the original KOTOR, you had the light jedi and the dark jedi as part of one pic, it could be how your character can turn out.

  6. First of all:


    Being Revan's and Bastila's child? Oh my god, since when did a female Revan become able to have children with Bastila?


    Second of all:


    Being Revan in KOTOR 2? Main storywise i suppose that would make sense. You are supposed to be a Mandalorian War Veteran and the most important person that can change the course of a war. Very Revan like. But i really hope not. Would be a little...cliched. How can you make a plot twist without copying the first game?


    Third of all:


    If you start with a few force powers it would be good. Otherwise you may aswell start as a scout/scoundrel/soldier again ;)


    Fourth point:


    Level 0 at start? Well, probably level 0. And using the rules of RPGs, your level does represent your power. For EG in original KOTOR they used starwars d20 rules, (which they probably will use in kotor2 but you are supposed to be able to go above level 20 which kinda screws the rules over), level 20 is the highest level and the equivalent of Yoda/Palpatine, which means you are the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy or at least one of them.

  7. I sold 99/100 items i picked up, most of them are absolutely useless and are never used. Most of the good kit is in shops aswell. I prefered BG2 as they were all part of quests (Carsomyr and Cromfaeyr(sp?) anyone?). A lot is part of quests but things like the mantle of the force, heart of the guardian, dominator gauntlets and the better implants are all stuff you have to buy.

  8. UT2004 is by far my favourite incarnation of the UT series to date, and it's a REALLY good fun game. But comparing it to KOTOR or BG2 is really quite daft as they are TOTALLY different. Not just a little, but totally.


    Oh and i concur, console rpgs are generally terrible. Not KOTOR though (I have it on PC myself, and i know there are a few significant updates for only PC people even with the xbox DLC :D )

  9. I do prefer playing my own character, so you can really get into the role part of the RPG. Pre-made characters can be good, but i much prefer to create my own.


    The classes you are are meant to represent how you've lived your life aswell. If you are a soldier or a fighter you will have spent a lot of time killing people, if you are a theif you will have stolen a lot from people...stuff like that.

  10. Will exactly all characters be liable to be influenced by the PC? I hope this isn't the case with all of them. I believe some characters should have a mind of their own and resist some, or most, of the PC's influence. I don't think all NPCs should be portrayed as easilly influenced, or gullible.

    Some of them are apparently going to go the other way...so if you go Dark Side, some will go light side, or something like that anyway.

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