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Everything posted by xanderstone

  1. What little message box-note? Or what is that? Something in the Journal perhaps?
  2. No, cutscene has played since after the jedi shows up for the prestige classes on the ebon hawk after I beat the red eclispe on the ebon hawk. I now have control over the ebon hawk, have done the side missions where I helped the sciencetist guy in the hotel type thing to run the mission where I come back and his hand is there, I have aligned the ships properly, I have killed everyone in the refugee area that will attack me, I have started the thing about the hutt guy wanting me to kill the exchange boss, I have seen a cutscene where the wookie fails to kill the boss and returned to the hutt. I have 2/3 parts of the speeder, I have the prototype shield from the guy who can change my ID codes. I don't have new ID code on the ship. between the two vendors I sided with the girl and finished that story where I now will expand her operartions to other planets. I honestly don't have a clue what to do now on this planet, but no Jedi has showed himself to me, and I haven't gotten the wookie as a team member, as for dark side, and I haven't killed those twin sisters in the bar yet. PLEASE help.
  3. Also would it matter that I have already killed the guy who is suppose to Holo Message me, or atleast I think it was him, it was the guy in the refugee camp in the main room that couldn't be killed until his guards were slain.
  4. I have talked to Vogga where I was suppose to go find Goto, but I have ran around for a while and assume that I won't be able to find him until after I further the story. If I missed something with Vogga or I need to put his hounds to sleep how do I do it?
  5. I already beat the Red Eclipse and Visas and was running around for a good 10 minutes how much longer do you suppose I could run about?
  6. I am on Nar Shaddaa where I have been running around doing a whole lot. The very first thing I did when I got there, was went to the Refugee Camp area and killed all of the thugs there, including the head guy visquis or something. I think thats where my problem came from, since I found out, later after looking at the guide, that after the I fend off the Red Eclipse guys on the Ebon Hawk , you're suppose to get a Holo from the visquis to meet in the poison lounge, and Atton faces the two sisters. Is there anyway at that I can continue the story here or a way to activate the cutscene where atton goes to the cantina for a drink?
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