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About solo16

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  1. Thanks for the help but I already set (Checked) the Fullscreen and nope it doesn't work.
  2. Hi, Recently I just acquired Asus MG279Q freesync monitor however I found out that it isn't working with the game eventhough I set up the resolution and refresh rate properly in game (90Hz 1440p the Max range). It works with other title such as Metal Gear Solid 5, Mad Max, Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inqusition etc... just not working with Pillars of Eternity, perhaps it is coincident it also happens to Wasteland 2 as well, so is that the limitation from the engine or there some "extra setting" need to be taken care of? Thanks!
  3. Hi, I've downloaded the Steam version unfortunately I've come across several bugs/crashes: 1) The windows background is keep flashing to foreground during the game and it will eventually crashed to desktop 2) During the game every time I click on something using left mouse button the screen with flash 3) The game will randomly "minimize" to the taskbar during gameplay My rig: i7 4770k 16GB RAM Windows 7 64bit Sapphire Tri-x OC UEFI 290x -- Latest AMD CCC 15.3 driver I've tried disable the build in GPU on the i7 it helps a bit but still it will eventually crash or flashing the windows desktop background Thanks!
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