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About RoryTate

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. I have completely lost interest in playing this game because of this. The whole Pillars of Eternity experience is now tainted with feelings of anger, betrayal, and complete disregard from Obsidian towards those of us who supported it when it was only an idea in a few people's minds. I am hoping I can get my money back and move on to something that I can enjoy being a part of. It is obvious now that this company does not deserve this community of awesome gamers.
  2. Another backer of the game since eons ago, and just browsing because of a BSOD while playing the game. And then I ran across this thread.... At first I thought that one insignificant dumb tombstone limerick could be removed from the game without too much of a problem -- I always default to wanting to please and get approval from others -- but after reading Fynnding's awesome reply I really hope that Obsidian doesn't encourage those who use manufactured outrage like this to silence creativity. I also took time to listen to a Soundcloud recording from TotalBiscuit who argues eloquently for the freedom of developers, and who raises some good points in rebuttal. In the end those who are complaining may feel outraged, and for that I do want to help them, but they have ownership of their emotions, not anyone else. Removing this one low-brow humourous tombstone won't solve their issues with the world around them or keep them safe from their own phobias, unfortunately.
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