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Posts posted by bmgermani

  1. Well... That doesn't bode very well... If they have to send a mail through 70 000 backers+, it most likely is going to take a lllllllllllooooonnnnngggg time.


    I know that there isn't a perfect solution, because 70 000+ connections at the same time will kill pretty much any server they can put at a low cost.But seriously, devs (not only obsidian) should think long and hard on that one. That's not my first high anticipated release and each time, it's an horrible cluster fest. Backers have to register in up to five different sites (forum, backerkit, survey,...) and have god knows how many forms to fill for years...


    This thing is getting far too complicated not to have an effect on their will to back again instead of patiently wait for GOG or Steam to release their games and buy it in two clicks.

    This. After several botched releases as a backer, I've learned my lesson. No more Kickstarter.


    At the end of the day this is a business, took advantage of kickstarter to offset risks of developing and is reaping the rewards of our backing...most kickstarter note that and make sure their backers have it before others.

    dude relax you sound like an entitled spoilt brat. 


    Wanting to receive AT LEAST the same treatment as others when you helped fund a project is now "being entitled"? Please.

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